Samstag, 31. März 2012

New version of #AfterEffects GlobalLayerSwitch script 0.9.1 ready.

 Global Layer Switch (Rendering multiple versions)

The new version of Global Layer Switch 0.91 has the following changes:
  • Select the comp from a drop-down menu, but will check if comps are available at all
  • Choose from the list the output template and module.
  • Smaller changes inside the module.
 The new version of Global Layer Switch is available here.

It's free, but if you use it please leave a short comment here, so I know how it's doing. Thx.

Dienstag, 20. März 2012

Overlaying a grid in #C4d camera view ultraquicktip

A quick fix for overlaying a grid on to the perspective view:

I've had the problem when I've wanted to adjust objects in the perspective view approximately to a grid and HUD doesn't offer a grid overlay (or does it?) There are more elaborate solutions out there, but this super-quick fix did it for me.

Simply create a camera deformer and voila: you can add and remove grid lines if you want. Only caveat: To view the grid you need to select the deformer. But for a <10s fix I guess this works alright.