Montag, 14. November 2011

Concatenating movies

After a long search I've come across QTCoffee link - a very useful collection of command line tools.
You can easily combine several quicktime movies to a single one, especially for technical trailers and black at the end this tool comes incredibly handy.

Many of the digital playouts I have to produce need different setups.

Here is an example:

-self-contained -force-same-tracks

First tests seem very good - I hope I can use it more.

First caveat: Although concatenated movies of different formats will play back in QT player, after another conversion step the audio was garbled. I therefore use ProRes only before concatenating.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Yogi,

    take a look at too.

    I've been using ffmpeg command line tools in a variety of projects that require automated video processing. You should be able to achieve the same goal and hopefully also solve the audio issue you experienced.


  2. Hoi Marcel :)

    thanks for the pointer, I will check it out. There are always issues with specific codecs - I use ProRes and the (old) quicktime architecture, which many of those free tools that I tested seemed to choke on.

    I am also wondering about the new AVfoundation framework provided by Apple. I've read a tiny bit about it and it is supposed to be replacing Quicktime and very powerful. But so far, little to no idea how it works.
