Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Sorting multi-pass files into directories

The problem of the multi-layered file was that EXtractoR takes forever to extrude eg the motion vector channel, even if the file is on the local hard drive (possibly due to the unzipping) -

the problem is also described here:

I will go for the recommended route and split up the files again. It might also help me with the previews. But we will see for that.

Found the AE Plugin "Immigration" here:
for importing files - I would like to prefer to sort the passes in different folders, after the render
got me going with a rather simple script.

So I came up with this ultrasimple script:

find . -type f -print |
while read -r pathname; do
    # very unclean because hard-coded 0000.exr ending but good for now

    if [ ! -d "$new_dirname" ]; then
        mkdir -p "$new_dirname"
    mv "$pathname" "./$new_dirname/$filename"


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