Freitag, 21. Oktober 2011

HDR conversion inside C4D

I have had some ooooold HDR probes sitting somewhere on my harddrive - one day I would buy HDR Studio and convert them...

But actually C4D can convert probes and crosses (HC and VC) in the image viewer to the C4D Longitude/Latitude format for skies. It does it automatically, you open the file and - le voila. A great little gem hidden away!

Sonntag, 16. Oktober 2011

Sorting multi-pass files into directories

The problem of the multi-layered file was that EXtractoR takes forever to extrude eg the motion vector channel, even if the file is on the local hard drive (possibly due to the unzipping) -

the problem is also described here:

I will go for the recommended route and split up the files again. It might also help me with the previews. But we will see for that.

Found the AE Plugin "Immigration" here:
for importing files - I would like to prefer to sort the passes in different folders, after the render
got me going with a rather simple script.

So I came up with this ultrasimple script:

find . -type f -print |
while read -r pathname; do
    # very unclean because hard-coded 0000.exr ending but good for now

    if [ ! -d "$new_dirname" ]; then
        mkdir -p "$new_dirname"
    mv "$pathname" "./$new_dirname/$filename"


Samstag, 15. Oktober 2011

OpenEXR and R13

I am changing my pipeline to accomodate OpenEXR for the following advantages:

  • All channels in one file (no messy directories)
  • 32-bit 
  • lossy compressions available 
These are the downsides
  • You cannot re-render just one channel (ie a mask), but from experience I have rarely only rendered one channel, plus it looks like C4D would have to render to whole image anyway, so not a lot is gained. For special cases, such as masks I will generate subdirectories and they are highly compressed anyway.
  • No 16-bit support in R13 (maybe, they'll bring it back) - so the only option is to go with 24bit lossy, which according to forums will just truncate 32->24 bits and rezip the file. For my purposes this is more than enough, as I don't layer a lot of stuff.
  • ExtracToR in After Effects is rather slow, but this seems to be related to the file transfer.
For my test frame, I was faced with those sizes (I didn't measure multichannel here)
  • All compressions RLE, ZIP, ZIP16, lossy PIZ wavelet, etc around 20-24 MB
  • The 24B format comes in around 12 MB (ie half)
  • A 16-bit PSD file comes in at around 12.4 MB - so 24BLossy is the way to go.
  • 8-bit DPX is 6.2MB
So with 24 bit lossy format I gain more than enough control. 

Freitag, 14. Oktober 2011

Copying mograph simulation to high-poly object

It is not straightforward to bake a simulation in an array of dinamically simulated mograph objects. This is my way of doing it:

  1. Bake the simulation in the cloner (it doesn't matter if the dynamic tag is on the cloner or the object)
  2. On the final object create an expresso tag and add a node for the Cloner object and the Final Object.
  3. Add mograph data node and connect global matrix to the Final Object global matrix.
  4. Step through the index manually until you've arrived at the object.
Alternatively, it might be easier to find the object index with Mograph selection, but I couldn't figure out where the information on the selected mograph clone index would be displayed.

Mittwoch, 12. Oktober 2011

Lighting Setup and Balls on Table

 First lighting setup - the balls should be able to pop from the background, so I've added a white reflective band from the outside which helped a lot. Might be slightly too dark, but as looks rather realistic.

Pool Table Modeling

Added another 2 hours. Still working on the lighting of the whole thing. Torus is added for shadow measuring and color bounce.

Dienstag, 11. Oktober 2011

First take on pool table

After about 1 hour of reference searching and 1 hour of modelling.

Already looks quite ok - some issues with Hypernurbs and the end parts of the table. Need to remodel some of them. 

Sonntag, 9. Oktober 2011

First Material Tests

Here are some material testss. The scratch texture must be hold separately and in much higher resolution. Rendering times in 32-bit were around 10 minutes (not saved in OpenEXR format) - standard lighting with HDRI environment (garden, outdoors) - no color correction. White should be more off - taking that into the shader.

Some reflection work for the balls - very carefully applied. Ball whites are taken to off-white improves the look greatly. Reducing accuracy on area shadows plus AA on 1x1,4x4 and 5% th gives an enormous speed up. Rendering time went down to 6:30.

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

Encore PAL Widescreen DVD Menus resolution

How to create best resolution menus.

Create the menu in encore and edit Menu in Photoshop. Scale to 1050x576 (weirdo Adobe Format) and set Pixel Aspect Ratio to Square, save and voila.
In Encore take out the Ratio correction in the menu viewer (small icon lower left)

Dienstag, 4. Oktober 2011

Reflecting Invisible Floor

To generate a reflecting ground, that can be composited on a blackground.

Put a plane (it doesn't have to be a floor) under the objects and make it 100% transparent, use the "additive" option. Add reflections to your liking. Only the reflections remain in the alpha, the floor is gone.