Below is a shot that shows all the potential problems I can have with motion blur. This is a parallel camera motion to the movement of the white ball, which itself is moving at fast speed across the table.
This particular frame was rendered with the physical renderer. Unfortunately, there is no postpro control on the motion blur, and the frame took 30 minutes to render - highly impractical.
Watch the area, where the two balls overlap - I think that the physical renderer doesn't get it right, but I'm not 100% sure, how the motion blur phenomenon would work on a real cam in this case.
So, we have at least three different objects moving at different speeds
- the white ball (strong movement)
- the other balls (motion blur through camera)
- the table texture with different motion blurs depending on distance from camera.
So I am left with the following solutions to get a good motion blur:
- High importance: physical renderer and go to a render farm
- Pro: perfect(?) motion blur, physical accuracy
- Contra: Problem with setting up the other passes (more research needed)
- Low importance: plugin in AE
- Pro: adjustable in post, might catch the above problem
- Contra: Doesn't look perfect, complicated object buffer handling, more overhead